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Welcome back to Tamura City 田村市, Fukushima 福島県

JAPAN allowing residents to return to contaminated Tamura city 田村市, Fukushima 福島県

Evacuees Return to their Homes in Tamura City

To report this story, I have chosen two articles as a source. The first one is by Asahi Shimbun (by the numbers and accurate report) and the second is from the clueless AFP/CNN/ABC mass garbage etc … . Feel free to compare the two. Special thanks to Christina Consolo and Kitagawa Takashi. (see my notes regarding the AFP report further below, as well as Christina’s and Takashi san’s take on the situation)

by Asahi Shimbun

For the first time since the triple meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant three years ago, the government is lifting an evacuation order in a restricted area, allowing residents to return to their homes.

Residents of an eastern strip of the Miyakoji district of Tamura, Fukushima Prefecture, are being allowed to return as of April 1, the first day of the 2014 fiscal year, government officials said at a meeting Feb. 23. The area lies within 20 kilometers west of where the accident occurred.

One reason the government is rushing to lift evacuation orders for communities affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster is cost. Tokyo Electric Power Co., which is being lent money by the government’s Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund to compensate evacuees, is required to continue compensation one year after an evacuation order is lifted. Lifting the orders will hasten the end of those payments.

According to the industry ministry, 1.5 trillion yen ($14.63 billion) has been paid in compensation to evacuees from 11 municipalities as of February.

In addition, decontamination costs will snowball if the government tries to achieve its long-term goal of lowering annual airborne radiation doses to 1 millisievert or less in areas where evacuation orders are in place.

A Reconstruction Agency official said it is unclear whether the long-term goal can be achieved even if the government continues decontamination work.

Prior to the Feb. 23 meeting, a senior Reconstruction Agency official asked Kazuyoshi Akaba, a senior vice industry minister, to explain the government’s policy to evacuees “even if it means rising to your full height and standing firm before residents.”

Akaba and Tamura Mayor Yukei Tomitsuka were tasked with explaining the new policy to the residents.

During a previous meeting in October, Tomitsuka had proposed lifting the evacuation order by November, but residents complained, saying too much contamination remained.

Some evacuees requested additional decontamination work because the radiation levels remained above 1 millisievert in some areas. The government promised to deal with residents who are still worried about high radiation levels on a case-by-case basis.

“If this abnormal situation continues, residents will lose attachment to their hometown and the community will collapse,” Tomitsuka has said.



Takumi Nemoto, minister for reconstruction, has described fiscal 2014 as “the year in which Fukushima will make big moves,” voicing hope evacuees will begin returning to their homes.

The government’s determination to lift the evacuation order for the Miyakoji district in the spring is an attempt to get the entire ball rolling.

Six other municipalities are considering lifting evacuation orders over the coming two years or so. That will affect nearly 30,000 evacuees who will have to decide whether they will return or not.

One strategy the government has proposed to facilitate the return to the Miyakoji district is to open key prefectural roads and convenience stores as a way to improve living conditions there.

“If we fail to gain an understanding after doing this much, it will be impossible to lift the evacuation order,” a senior Reconstruction Agency official said.

About 3,000 people left the Miyakoji district in the eastern part of Tamura after the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The eastern tip of the Miyakoji district, which lies within a 20-kilometer radius of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, is designated as a zone that is being prepared for the lifting of the evacuation order. It was home to 360 people at the time of the accident.

In June, government-led decontamination work was completed in this strip. Since the summer, residents have been allowed to stay in their homes for more than a month to prepare for their eventual permanent return.

In a 2012 survey, 6.7 percent of Tamura residents said they wanted to return to their homes and 34.5 percent said they wanted to return if some conditions were met.

In the five of six other municipalities, 20 to 40 percent of residents responded in a similar manner. Three of the municipalities are considering lifting evacuation orders as early as this spring.


Hundreds of Japanese people will soon be allowed to return to their homes, two years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster forced them to leave.

A 20 kilometre exclusion zone was declared around the nuclear plant after an earthquake and tsunami triggered a reactor meltdown in March 2011.

From April 1, 350 people from Tamura city will be allowed to head back to their homes permanently, according to Japan’s Reconstruction Agency.

Over the next two years, up to 30,000 people will be allowed to return to their homes in the original exclusion zone, thrown up in a bid to protect people from the harmful effects of leaking radiation.

Officials say once the evacuation order is lifted, people will be free to choose whether or not to return home.

Those who return home will continue to receive compensation for property and job loss, but will no longer receive the $US980 a month payment for emotional stress.


“But the monthly pay of 100,000 yen ($980) to address emotional distress caused by the accident will end if residents decide to return home,” he said.

Residents are divided whether to return or not – many are concerned over the presence of low-level radiation, despite decontamination efforts.

The government says the levels are safe.

Under government guidelines, areas are declared suitable for habitation if someone living there is exposed to a maximum of 20 millisieverts of radiation per year.

Officials have said they would like to get radiation exposure down to one millisievert a year.

The International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends a dosage limit of one millisievert per year from all sources of radiation, but says exposure to less than 100 millisieverts per year presents no statistically significant increase in cancer risk.

A single CT hospital scan delivers around 10 millisieverts, according to the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan.

NOTE from Nelson

The exclusion zone keeps on shrinking. The clueless media keeps on referring as if there still was a 20km radius exclusion zone . The truth is that this “red circle” has vanished a long time ago. check here

Either the media (excluding Asahi for the moment) are knowingly misinforming the mass or they are simply omitting to do a little bit of research, before their usual “copy and paste” from AFP.

Furthermore, parts of Tamura city were already destined to “re open” along parts of Minami Soma and three other municipalities, under former DPJ Minister of Environment and sociopath Goshi Hosono. This is just a continuation of an ongoing madness going unabated, regardless of the political parties in power.


The AFP is ending this report by a single phrase (which of course the international media happily played along with)

A single CT hospital scan delivers around 10 millisieverts, according to the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan.

… strongly implying that the potential return of the 1 300 people returning to Tamura City is completely safe, because the government guarantees less than 20 millisivierts a year.

Once again, in case you are not yet aware of those dirty little propaganda tricks, let me just point out that a CT scan is 10 millisieverts of “controlled induced radiation exposure” and that more importantly, this is “external radiation” instead of “internal radiation”. When you get a CT scan, you do not inhale or ingest dangerous particles inside your body, your bones, your organs and tissues. A CT scan does not threatens to lodge particles of Cesium 137, Iodine 131, Strontium 90, Cobalt 60 or even worse Plutonium inside your children fragile little bodies. So that little propaganda crap ending this article is destined for people unaware or just hoping that they are telling the truth.


compiled by Christina Consolo  (I added a few more, feel free to participate)

  • ”safer than eating a banana”
  • “larger dose from flying on an airplane”
  • “sleeping next to someone gives you a larger radioactive dose”
  • “It’s nothing compare to a CT scan”  (as seen in this AFP article  😉  )
  • “you can eat Plutonium without worries”
  • “20 millisieverts is safe”  (as seen in this AFP article  😉  )
  • “50 miilisieverts is safe”
  • “100 millisieverts is safe”  (as seen in this AFP article  😉  )
  • “1000 millisieverts is safe”  (Dr Wayde Alisson)

    • ”within safe limits”
    • ”part of background”
  • ”definitely not caused by radiation”
  • ”we can rule radiation out as the cause”
  • ”no need to test”
  • ”harmless”
  • ”hydrogen explosion”
  • “because you cannot prove that the disease was caused by a specific radiation, the information is not valid until proven by the scientific method.”
  • “nuclear is safe because they have backup power”
  • “nuclear is safe because background radiation is high, so don’t worry about a little more”
  • “the radiation from that release is in ‘the noise’ of the background radiation”
  • “it’s green and clean”
  • “nuclear is the only thing that can save the climate from excess carbon”
  • “nuclear plants have pooled insurance”
  • “The NRC makes nuclear industry safe by regulating them”
  • “The IAEA regulates the worldwide nuclear industry”
  • “No deaths caused by nuclear radiation”
  • “Just keep smiling and radiation will not hurt you”
  • “Thorium reactors are completely safe”
  • “depth in defense safety at nuke plants means that a major accident should only happen about every 2000 years.”
  • “All the nuclear waste in the world could fit in a football field”
  • “the solution for nuclear waste is a single permanent repository”
  • “nuclear power emits ZERO CO2”
  • “Reactors cannot blow up like nuclear bombs”
  • “No radiation from japan will reach the USA”
  • “Below the threshold”
  • “If it were that bad it would be on the news”
  • “mental health”  (as seen in this AFP article  😉  )
  • “radio-phobia”
  • “Denver is higher than Tokyo”
  • “Brazil is higher than Tokyo”
  • “Fukushima to become a touristic destination for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics”

GREENPEACE ON TAMURA CITY   February 2014  See pictures right here




by Kitagawa Takashi




「 「4月1日解除」の政府判断は突然、あっけなく住民に言い渡された。福島県田村市船引町で23日開かれた都路地区東部の住民に対する「避難指示」の解 除をめぐる住民説明会。会合が2時間を過ぎようとした時、それまで黙っていた官僚たちがせきを切ったように一斉に「4月解除」を語りだし、再考の余地なし という構えを住民に示した。会の流れを経済産業省の職員はこうふり返った。「ま、官僚は頭がいいんですよ」

政府と市側の計14人が居並び、それに対する形で住民約100人が会場に詰めかけた。冒頭、冨塚宥暻(ゆうけい)田村市長と赤羽(あかば)一嘉(かずよ し)・原子力災害現地対策本部長(副経産相)がこれまでの経緯を話し「住民の方々のご意見を拝聴したい」と口をそろえた。

説明会が始まって1時間半も過ぎたころ、昨年夏から長期宿泊している住民が「心配はいろいろあるけど、このまま帰れないと心が壊れる。国、東電にお 任せして(今後の対応を)信じるしかない」と発言。「帰還派」の声が相次いだのを見計らうように司会役が「では解除の時期について」と意見を住民に求め た。すると、小滝沢地区の副区長が「私の地区では5人が田植えを予定しており、(1月に)4月解除が望ましいと提案したら、別の住民に脅しともとれる言わ れようをした。この際、国の判断を」と提案した。

これを受けるかのように、黙り通しだった原子力災害現地対策本部の熊谷敬・副本部長が一気に「4月解除」の方針を言い切った。 【「避難指示は憲法22 条の居住の自由を阻む例外的な規制で、我々は帰れる方の権利を守りたい」と、これまで一度も触れられなかった憲法を初めて持ち出した。】」








Source: ” 避難解除:「官僚は頭がいいんです」”


Live from Lalaland



7 thoughts on “Welcome back to Tamura City 田村市, Fukushima 福島県

  1. great post nelson
    i hope you dont mind me mirroring it on tomorrow?
    keep up the great work

    Posted by arclight2011part2 | February 28, 2014, 5:25 pm


  1. Pingback: Anonymous - February 26, 2014

  2. Pingback: Pilant's Business Ethics Blog | How Much Strontium-90? We dont’ know? - March 2, 2014

  3. Pingback: Gov’t withholds high radiation data in Fukushima 内閣府のチーム、福島の3カ所 | EVACUATE FUKUSHIMA - March 26, 2014

  4. Pingback: Furumichi Elementary School reopens today | EVACUATE FUKUSHIMA - April 9, 2014

  5. Pingback: How Much Strontium-90 - June 6, 2014

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