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東京はファシスト安倍に対して大抗議!! TOKYO RISES TO FASCIST ABE !

Tokyo  30/06/2014  (updated on July 2sd)

After being unconstitutionally elected by the Japanese Supreme Court, after paying for his shameful Olympics, after enacting both the Secrecy Law and the Cancer Registry Law がん登録法 (so they can continue their deadly experiment on the people of Fukushima in complete immunity), after sealing the fate of the children of Fukushima; only one thing to stand in the way of war mongering Prime Minister Abe ———- > The Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution 日本国憲法第9条.




Abe calls for the “reinterpretation” of the pacifist charter, allowing Japan to come to the aid of an ally under attack even when Japan itself is not. That would of course involve NUCLEAR WEAPONRY, a personal phantasm of the clowns at LDP.

Abe gets what he want; to be an active player in the “war business”. 

Abe has been busy for a few months with his media friends to try and convince the nation that this is a good thing for Japan. Short of implying imminent attacks by Korea or China against Japan, Abe has been war mongering his way to successfully alter Article 9. The hammer will most likely fall on the 1st of July 2014.



毎日世論調査: 戦争に巻き込まれる恐れ71%

A recent survey in Mainichi Shimbun showed that 71 percent fear Japan could be dragged into wars if collective self-defense exercised.

Teachers agonize over possibility of sending SDF-hopeful students into battle. They are trying to explain to Self-Defense Force (SDF) hopefuls that they may, in fact, end up in battle.  集団的自衛権:戦場に教え子を送りたくない…悩む教師

Opinion surveys show that opposition to the issue is growing, if the latest (and probably last) big protest indicates. More than 40000 protesters rallied in mass in front the Parliament all day and night.

On IWJ chanel, over 3 million people tuned in to watch the protest live.

Our national hero, Senator Taro Yamamoto 山本太郎様 was also attending the protest, before getting roughed by authorities. He got knocked down twice by them and reported their abusive behavior. In this picture he is attempting to make a speech, but they kept on pushing the young senator away.  白シャツの男性で、塀に叩きつけられてるかのように、押し潰されているのが太郎さん。


「@tanakaryusaku: 国会議事堂南通用門前で山本太郎議員が「集団的自衛権の行使容認」に反対する演説をしようとした所、警察に排除された。警察は山本議員はじめ市民数人を押し倒し、腕をひねり上げた。フリージャーナリストや市民の抗議で約30分後、山本議員は元の場所に戻ることができた。警察への抗議が続いている。」

「@tanakaryusaku: 国会議事堂南通用門前で山本太郎議員が「集団的自衛権の行使容認」に反対する演説をしようとした所、警察に排除された。警察は山本議員はじめ市民数人を押し倒し、腕をひねり上げた。フリージャーナリストや市民の抗議で約30分後、山本議員は元の場所に戻ることができた。警察への抗議が続いている。」


Hundreds asked Abe to get out of the building and face them…. he did not! The angry mob was also shouting ““Don’t destroy the Constitution,” “We absolutely oppose reinterpretation of the Constitution,” and “We don’t need the right to collective self-defense,” as reported here by the Japan times.  There was also no shortage of using the F@@ word throughout the demo.

This is a tribute to their brave and last attempt at defeating the only and true enemy of Japan; Shinzo Abe.

Before the slideshow, I wanted to also pay my respect to the man who most certainly fueled additional angers a day before the protest. A man who set himself on fire (see pictures here) in front of hundreds in Shinjuku, Tokyo to denounce the inevitable change of Article 9.  Suicide is not the answer though. No one should ever waste their lives in such a way, even to expose sociopath like Abe. My thoughts are with him and his family. He is now fighting for his life in a Tokyo hospital and we wish him a prompt recovery. This is a video of the event captured by a by-passer. (Warning; Graphic images)



I have gathered the following pictures off friends, social medias, friends journalists, Ryusuke Tanaka, Shingetsu News Agency, Japan times, Mainichi and others. I will credit them the best I can and will add more as they come to me.


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Senator Yamamoto takes on the fascists cops and their buddies, gets knocked down a couple of times and speaks on how to counter Abe’s policies.



The fight leaves on. Long live Japan.


And this would not be complete without the intervention of Miyake Yohei reciting the Japanese Constitution and what heritage it represents. 三宅洋平の平和憲法朗読



Nelson  Live from Lalaland


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